ADVANCER Thief skills
Every OSR system tries to improve on thief skills. I have tried to do this in a manner that is both in line with the AD&D percentage chances as well as the general principles that I have established for ADVANCER. In the ADVANCER Rules generally : - percentile rolls have been replace with 2d6 rolls - target numbers for 2d6 rolls are multiples of 3: 3=97%, 6=72%, 9=28%, 12=3% - +1 on 2d6 equates to +10% or +2 on d20 - advancement comes every three levels (ie, at 4th, 7th, 10th, etc.) - "level" of experience has been replaced with "rank" per the idea expressed on p. 8 of the PHB Thief skills are: - pick pockets* - open locks* - move silently* - hiding* - find/remove traps - hear noise - climb walls ...