ADVANCER Thief skills
Every OSR system tries to improve on thief skills. I have tried to do this in a manner that is both in line with the AD&D percentage chances as well as the general principles that I have established for ADVANCER.
In the ADVANCER Rules generally:
- percentile rolls have been replace with 2d6 rolls
- target numbers for 2d6 rolls are multiples of 3:
3=97%, 6=72%, 9=28%, 12=3%
- +1 on 2d6 equates to +10% or +2 on d20
- advancement comes every three levels (ie, at 4th, 7th, 10th, etc.)
- "level" of experience has been replaced with "rank" per the idea expressed on p. 8 of the PHB
Thief skills are:
- pick pockets*
- open locks*
- move silently*
- hiding*
- find/remove traps
- hear noise
- climb walls
- read languages
2d6+bonuses, success on a roll of 9, or a roll of 6 for climb walls:
- *Bonus of +1 to thief skill if 18 DEX (no DEX bonus to find/remove traps, climb wall, hear noise or read languages)
- +1 at 4th rank, +2 at 7th, +3 at 10th, +4 at 13th, +5 at 16th, +6 at 19th
- Extra +1 at 10th and 13th ranks for move silently and pick pockets
- Dwarf, +1 open locks, +1 find/remove traps
- Elf, +1 to hide in shadows, +1 to climb walls
- Gnome, +1 find/remove traps, +1 to hear noise
- Half-elf, +1 to pick pockets, +1 to climb walls
- Halfling, +1 to move silently, +1 to hide in shadows
- Half-orc, no bonuses
- Human, no bonuses
The result is that thieves at 1st rank are more competent than in AD&D with a base 28% chance to succeed with most thief skills. By 13th rank, they have a base 83% chance. This is right on par with AD&D for open locks (82%), find/remove traps (80%), and hide in shadows (85%). The extra bonuses at 10th and 13th rank were necessary for to bring the move silently and pick pockets skills to 97%, which is in line with the AD&D percentages at 13th rank, which are 99% for move silently and 105% for pick pockets.
Incidentally, 83% at 13th rank is too high for read languages (65%) and hear noises (40%), but I didn't feel the need to make a correction, as I did for move silently (and by extension pick pockets), partly because the percentage chances for these skills were much higher in Greyhawk (Supplement I), partly because I don't see the higher chances as harming the game.
Finally, I will probably specify in ADVANCER that a character of any class can attempt a thief skill with the exception of read languages and hear noises. No DEX or racial bonuses would apply, and the DM would have to agree that it is reasonable to allow the attempt. For instance, no one wearing metal armour should be allowed to attempt to move silently unless there were extenuating circumstances.
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